How 5 different institutions have already used Second Canvas as an in-gallery interpretation solution.

After having explained how to use Second Canvas as a tool to set up a digital exhibition, in this post we will talk about how to use it as an

As we explained in our previous entry on digital exhibitions, Marrakech was the city where we organized the second one.

This solution provides cities and museums of any size with an easy and intuitive way to build exhibitions with digital versions of works of art.

Published by Creative Museum and The Mad Pixel Factory, the Second Canvas Himsel Museum app has been rightly advertised as a tool for exploring 6 museum masterpieces in super high-resolution

We are thrilled to announce new Second Canvas apps for 5 of the Mexican institutions that are participating in scModules project

A new entry about our experience at Carmen Thyssen Museum

Is it possible to provide a complementary value to the aesthetic experience of contemplating a work of art by looking at an image of it? At Madpixel we believe it is.

Second Canvas super-zoom is one of the first features to impact new users.

Do you want to know what Second Canvas is doing with ARKit?